Eurotary 87 is an association of European Rotary Clubs who were founded or "chartered" in 1987. An annual Assembly is held with clubs taking turns to host a social and cultural exchange weekend.
The 20th Anniversary Assembly of Eurotary 87 in 2011 was hosted by Wreake Valley Rotary Club at Burn Hall near York, our member Peter Dalton as Eurotary 87 President for the year being the principal organiser with support from club members.101 delegates attended from UK, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Sweden.
During the weekend visits were organised to York Castle Museum, Jorvik Centre, the National Railway Museum, York Minster and the National Quilt Museum. Social events included a Golf Day, and Black Tie Gala Dinner with dancing to Hooper Sound. York Food and Beer Festivals were in full swing and this added to the weekend's enjoyment.
At the Sunday AGM pledges of financial support totalling £3750 towards our humanitarian project in Cebu were made. The Rotary Club of Etwall and Hilton took over the presidency with responsibility for organizing the 21st Assembly at Edinburgh in 2012.